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Studio open house | St. Michael Children's Photographer

Thank you SO much to everyone who made it to the 'Heather Barta Photography' Studio Grand Opening yesterday! We had a great turn out and tons of fun. The kiddos were all so cute with their little painted faces. My little Collin actually let the face painter start spiderman on his face (to my surprise) but then half-way through he was not having it anymore, so he went home with half a red face and big white marks around his eyes.. poor kid! The cookie decorating and drawing for giveaways were also a great success (winners to be announced soon!). Thank you again to all of my wonderful friends, family and clients who turned out for the opening yesterday.. I wouldn't be where I am without you, so your continued support is well appreciated. Here are some random photos from yesterday....all unedited since I have lots of client stuff to work on tonight :)


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