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happy heart day! | Minneapolis Lifestyle Children's Photographer

I thought it would be a good idea to celebrate Valentine's day by posting about the 3 little kiddos closest to my heart (although Hudson was napping so he isn't pictured here). Since we sold our house we are staying with our close friends, Luke and Sarah. They have an adorable little almost 18 month old who also happens to be Collin's best friend (on most days, you know how toddlers are!) As much as I LOVE portraits I have to say it is so fun to capture everyday life.. as pictured below :)
Ok... these are great... you know you have a good friend when he will wipe your nose for you...

little E-man

Collin's blonde spot on his hair looks like a bald spot (heehee)

As you can see I am a GREAT cook :)

my big helper..


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