Now that I have been home with the kiddos full time I am realizing all the things that need to get done during the day that well... weren't getting done. I even printed off a schedule for keeping the house clean (here), I had never even thought of dusting the trim & baseboards once a week- does anyone do this?! Being with my babies all day and having time to clean and get caught up on things is the best thing in the world but I do get a little stir crazy sometimes since I always need to keep busy (I think I get this from my mom, she is the same way). Lately my new thing is reading blogs by stay at home mom's, one called 'under the sycamore' is my favorite. I love reading the daily trials and tribulations of other mom's of little one's and realizing that it is completely normal to feel like you are losing your mind with two (or more!) little monsters running around!
I also love that I am getting time to actually blog, it's been a long time and I have missed it! This is one of my favorite little guy's, he is adorable! Not to be outdone by his older sister who's photo is a 24x36 inch canvas in the entry of my studio!
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