Two weeks ago we moved out of our house and in with our very kind and generous friends. We have a little more than a month until we move into our new house and I am super excited. The number one reason I can't wait.... sleep! I swear my kids have been the worst sleepers lately. In the past two weeks my normally super amazingly great sleeper of a two year old has been up every night at least once and then bright eyed and ready to go at 5 or 6am. My six month old has been waking up like a newborn again! I shouldn't complain since I know this is all temporary and they will soon adapt to all of the changes going on in their lives.
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of photographing these beautiful twin babies. Baby girl M was so much bigger than her brother. They are so adorable and I am sure these photos will be a cherished keepsake.
A special thank you to my second set of hands for this session, you know who you are :)
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